Malachite: Healing and Magickal Properties

When I saw a Malachite for the first time, I actually thought it was made from polymer clay! The green swirls and patterns looked too handmade to be a gemstone, I thought. But, of course, I was wrong. Malachite is a beautiful crystal, with no stone looking like the other. So what does it do and which magical properties does it own?

What is a Malachite?

Malachite is a mineral that comes in various shades of green. It has a banded structure and can form different shapes. Malachite is a copper carbonate with the chemical formula CuCO3 (OH)2. It can be found all around the world!

Malachite is a stone that has been prized for centuries for its healing and magical properties. It was used by ancient Egyptians as protection against evil spirits.

The Romans used it to promote peace, harmony, and balance in the home. They also believed that Malachite would protect them from snake bites, venom, and scorpion stings.

Malachite: Stone Meaning

Abraham Gottlob Werner first described the Malachite in 1789. It was called the “mountain stone” because of its occurrence in mountainous regions. The name malachite comes from the Greek word for “mallow” because of its resemblance to this plant’s leaves.

Healing Properties of Malachite

The power of Malachite lies in its ability to bring balance back to the body and soul. This way, a Malachite can help with sleep problems, anxiety and depression, and it balances the emotions and enhances intuition and creativity. Malachite also has protective qualities that guard against negativity from others or self-sabotage.

The healing properties of malachite include: protection, grounding, balance, healing from within and without, stress relief, emotional support and more!

Magickal Properties of Malachite

Malachite has been used for centuries in magic and protection spells. The ancient Egyptians used it for protection against the evil eye, and today it is still used to ward off negative energy.

Malachite is a stone of transformation and change. It is said to have the ability to help with psychic abilities, as well. It has been used for centuries by many cultures as a protection against negative energy and bad luck.

How to work with Malachite

Malachite has been used for thousands of years for jewelry, and it is still a great idea to wear it as a necklace, bracelet or earrings. But it is also used to make pottery and other objects, which are a good way to keep your home clear of negative energies!

Cleansing & Charging a Malachite

You can clean any Malachite under warm running water and leave it in the sun or moonlight for a few hours to recharge it. If you have the feeling your Malachite needs more than this, then place it under a tree or even bury it on the earth for a few days. You will be amazed how powerful it will be afterwards!

Malachite makes the perfect companion and works as a shield against negativity. Wearing it, you will feel like being cared for, and isn’t this something we need at these difficult times?

And if you want to use the power of a Malachite for journaling, check out our Malachite journals on Amazon – available both in 6×9 in and in the popular traveler’s notebook size (please note that these are affiliate links!).

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